The Justice League Snyder Cut or is now officially confirmed to be "Zack Snyder Justice League", is now got to reshoot as expected with DC company had got Mr. Snyder himself $70M [the news I got from THR] to finish his vision of the DC films and perhaps, continue its sequels for the future of DC films. Noticed that the 2017 Justice League, the obvious vision from the director of 2012 The Avengers in the Marvel Universe took over to finish somebody else's vision for the film in which had to be controversy between credit and fans all over the world to see the dark sign for DC universe potential in movie industrial of their own dozen of characters.
While fans got so disappointed about the movie itself, the company decided to do the investigation for what had happened behind from all of those thing, and give the full potential of right to the Man himself, Zack Snyder has finally had the opportunity to return and finish his own vision for the film and call back some of the actors and actress who had left their jobs as the movie characters portrayer like Ben Affleck...and everything, We're now getting the... What I call the "Super Great News" that Jared Leto who had played The Joker in 2014 Suicide Squad in which also the theatrical cut or the theatrical version had cut out the best scenes of him as the joker and mad him as the bad performance on screen, will be coming back to reprise his role as the Joker again on HBO Max 2021 in Zack Snyder Justice League.
I was so excited about the fact that Zack Snyder has his chance again to return to his vision and the news was so surprise but I was only for about 7 or 8 out of 10 happy to hear because with the theatrical released version of the Justice League whatever it's bad, we still can have Zack Snyder to point to his direction again and I think weather it is or not, we still enjoy Marvel movies instead and forget everything about DC. But from THR that said Jared Leto to return as the Joker for Zack Snyder Justice League, for me is 10 out of 10 happy to hear because not only I have the chance to see the full potential for Jared Leto's performances as the Joker again but it's a really good sign that that dude M*F (Joaquin Phoenix's Joker) is not a part of the DC universe in which that M*F Oscar had gave him the award for the best actor for some reason...obvious I think. Not only that I love Jared Leto as the Joker but I also hate the 2019 version of the Joker which Todd Phillip had reformed the DC universe into the dust of nothing but danger and crazy for humanity entertainment purposes. For those of you who called 2019 Joker as the best movie or The M*F is the best actor, then mark my words "F*&^%$# UUUUUUUUUUUUU!" we shouldn't be happy to see or hear that the character who kill his own mother should be awarded or being the memes on the internet. For whatever reason, we should teach the generation to give their loves and care to his or her parents.
On the other hand with recent news from The Hollywood Reporter, that the reshoot for Zack Snyder Justice League could bring back a lot of people in the DC universe which haven't seen in the theatrical released of Joss Whedon version and could more potentially adding more scenes than we ever expected to happen. As mention earlier that the company had gave him $70M to finish his vision for the film then why didn't border call out for the reshoot and photograph some more footages to make it more excited.
An other interesting thing to hard on is that the people who had investigated about the involving of the flip side of the theatrical released version of the movie, including the producer Jeff John and many more will not be credit to Zack Snyder Justice League movie.
Justice League Snyder Cut will come to HBO Max by 2021 and Snyder himself has more thing to do with the CGI process of making the movie and we're not sure that the title of Zack Snyder Justice League would be the official title of the movie or not but one thing for sure is that HBO Max is not available in my country and so worldwide, lots of people will not be able to see the movie with 4 episodes on HBO Max and I might have to use VPN and prepium account for HBO Max